[solidarity] Mexico: bomb attack against bank

Bomb attack against a bank in solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Germany (Mexico)

Responding to the international call for actions in solidarity with the compañerxs accused of robbery in Aachen, Germany, we placed an explosive device with a little more than one kilo of black powder at a Citibanamex branch located on Eje 10 [in Mexico City] at 2:30am on April 20.

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[solidarity] Liege: The Beauty of a Burning Police Station

Liege: The Beauty of a Burning Police Station (Belgium)

April 21st, 2017

We are not soldiers.
We are criminals.
We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves.

On the other hand, we are fighting.
To find our lives, explore our freedoms.

We fight the misery of our lives, the oppression of morals, and the grids that imprison us.

On the night of April 18, we set fire to a police station in Liège (Belgium). It was completely destroyed, devastated by the flames.

We dedicate this action to the imprisoned comrades who are accused of bank robbery in Aachen.

Determination and courage!

Our thoughts are also with the Montreuil compa and Damien, still imprisoned in Fleury.
Never give up!

A greeting to all those who conspire.

With violence, love and joy.
Always at war.

“Don’t you have a light?” and friend.

[found on indymedia bxl]

13th of April 2017

If reason is a compass, passions are the winds
Alexander Pope

Today marks one year since our comrade was arrested, when she was kidnapped by the Mossos d’Esquadra on the 13th of April 2016 in an joint operation with the German police. At the moment she is held in preventive arrest in the prison of Cologne, while the court case against her and another comrade (in the prison of Aachen) is in full course. They are accused of having robbed a branch of the Pax-Bank in Aachen in November 2014. Continue reading

Short summary of session 15

During the session on the 31st March the court looked at all the physical proof that was found inside the bank (tools, tiewraps, a hammer, a chisel, etc.) and inside a plastic bag found outside which the prosecution attributes to the robbery (clothes, sunglasses, a wig and two guns). They also talked about the data found on various computers that were confiscated during the raids: documents, webpages, personal photographs, etc. although the prosecution has concluded that these were not relevant for the case.

The session that was planned on the 3rd of April has been cancelled. The next session will take place on the 7th of April; the LKA cop responsible for the German investigation will testify on this day, as well as read out the Spanish part of the investigation which the deputy inspector of the mossos d’esquadra could not do because he refused to identify himself with his full name.

Short summary of sessions 13 and 14

The session of Monday 27 March begun with the witness statement of one of the Pax-Bank workers who was present during the robbery. He talked about his experience of the robbery; he was aware of the presence of two people, although his memories were generally quite vague. He remembered that the atmosphere at all times was relaxed, that the robbers had a careful attitude towards him and the other workers, and that he was brought to one of the rooms of the bank, where he was tied up. He said that the robbers left the tools needed to untie themselves to the workers before leaving. He noticed that the shelves close to the heavy safe had been moved to a different place, in a different order than usual. Similarly to the other witnesses, he did not recognize any of the accused in the room and answered negatively to the questions of the judge, stating that he did not suffer any psychological damage after the event.

The second witness who testified was the husband of the bank worker who testified on the 23rd of March. This was a new witness, called explicitly to testify after his wife had declared that she had recognized one of the assailants upon seeing pictures (of a man and two women) that a colleague had sent her via WhatsApp. The man explained the situation when his wife received the pictures; the two of them were seated on the sofa and she had a nervous reaction. He also explained how, like his wife had already done in her testimony, the assailants had taken off her glasses in the first moment, and he pointed out that she has 6 dioptres.

The rest of the session consisted of a reading of some parts of the file, mostly a reading of the bank statements of the family of one of the accused.

The session of Monday 28 March consisted of reading various parts of the file. The first part of the reading was related to the material which was confiscated in the house of one of the accused, followed by a reading of some of the letters that were intercepted by the judge and prosecution office of Aachen. The judge read part of the files, exhibiting some of the ways in which the comrades had been followed, as well as a large list of actions that happened in Germany in solidarity with the accused anarchists.

The next session will be on Friday 31 March at 09.00

Again, more comrades in solidarity were present in the court room for two days, showing their support and solidarity.

Nothing is over, everything continues!

[update] Aachen: 10th day of trial

During the session of the 13th of March a “mosso d’esquadra” (the deputy inspector of the information brigade of the mossos d’esquadra, based in Sabadell was supposed to give a testimony concerning the part of the investigation related to the spanish state). That is, on the one hand, the obtaining of the DNA of our comrades, and on the other about everything related to the political “theories” concerning the financing of a terrorist organization.
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