[poster] solidarity poster DE

Es gibt derzeit einige Anarchist_innen die der Justiz mit dem Vorwurf des Bankraubes ausgesetzt sind. Dies geschieht in Folge einer Repressionswelle, die von den Strafverfolgungsbehörden in Aachen ausgeht.

Zwei Gefährt_innen aus Barcelona wurden in unterschiedlichen Situationen im Frühling 2016 verhaftet und nach Deutschland ausgeliefert. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beschuldigt sie, an einem Banküberfall beteiligt gewesen zu sein, der sich 2014 gegen die Pax Bank in Aachen richtete. Ihre Gerichtsverhandlung begann am 23 Januar 2017 und wird mindestens 5 Monate andauern.

Eine weitere Gefährtin aus Amsterdam wurde bereits der Prozess gemacht, für einen anderen Banküberfall welcher im Juli 2013 in einer Bankfiliale der Aachener Bank statt fand. Im Dezember 2016 wurde jene Gefährtin freigesprochen, allerdings hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Revision eingelegt

Ob die beschuldigten Gefährt_innen jemals diese Banken als ‚ungewöhnliche Kundschaft‘ betreten haben oder nicht, ist für uns nicht wichtig. Wir werden niemandem einen Vorwurf machen, der_die für sich entscheidet, bewaffnet eine Bank zu betreten. Unsere Solidarität gilt den Individuen, die trotz der Repression ihren Prinzipien treu geblieben sind und in ihrer Liebe für die Freiheit und der Verachtung aller Autoritäten sich nicht einschränken lassen.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft spricht davon, in der Bank und der näheren Umgebung an beweglichen Gegenständen, DNA Spuren gefunden zu haben, welche scheinbar den beschuldigten Anarchist_innen zugeordnet wurden. Diese Hinweise werden uns nun als objektives und unfehlbares Indiz präsentiert, dass ihre Anwesenheit an jenen speziellen Tagen in diesen Filialen belegen soll. Wir wollen es den Gerichten und Juristen überlassen, sich über die technischen Trugschlüsse dieser Ermittlungsmethoden zu streiten. Dennoch wollen wir auf die ewig wachsende, internationale DNA- Datenbank aufmerksam machen. Welche – akquiriert durch jegliches Hilfsmittel- zum Problem jener werden, deren Handeln und Ideen nicht in Gehorsam dem Staat unterworfen sind. Diese forensischen Beweise, die uns als absolut präsentiert werden, sind in Wirklichkeit ein weiteres Beispiel für die Wissenschaft im Dienste der sozialen Kontrolle. Diese rationale “Neutralität” im Namen der Neutralisierung von unfügsamen und ungewollten Subjekten geschieht in kompletter Konformität mit totalitären, demokratischen Werten. Im Namen der Sicherheit werden wir alle zu willigen Teilnehmenden in der Kontrolle und Kodifizierung über unsere Leben.

Wie in den meisten juristischen Fällen werden diese technologischen Beweise noch gepaart mit den vermeintlich kriminellen Charakteristiken jener Personen, die einem unerwünschten und unprofitablem Profil entsprechen – sei es sozial, ökonomisch, ethnisch, oder ethisch. Diese Kombination ergibt die perfekte Rezeptur um Individuen einzusperren. Die Mainstream- Medien helfen eifrig jegliche Repression zu legitimieren und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle in der Verleumdung jener Individuen, welche sich in den Klauen des Staates befinden. Sie sind die Komplizen in der Produktion dieser ‚ gefährlichen Figuren‘ und kreieren einen Konsens eben jene gesellschaftlich zu isolieren.

Es liegt es an denjenigen, die die diese Welt weder akzeptieren noch akzeptiert sind, sich zu organisieren und zu kämpfen. Dieses System beruht auf Lohnsklaverei, Entfremdung, Gehorsam gegenüber der Macht und der Sterilisierung jeglichen Impulses oder Wunsches nach Selbstbestimmung.

Es liegt an jedem von uns genau jene Logiken anzugreifen, welche auf der Grundlage von Akkumulation, Autorität, Lohnsklaverei, Unterwerfung und den Kriegen zwischen den Armen und Kriegen zwischen den Staaten basieren.

Kämpfen für ein Leben in Würde, Autonomie und Freiheit.

Für Revolte!

download here:

soli poster de

[poster] Solidarity with the anarchists facing repression in Aachen

Text from poster:

Two comrades from Barcelona were arrested on different occasions during
the spring of 2016, and have since been extradited and incarcerated
under pre-trial investigative detention. The prosecution of Aachen is
accusing them of carrying out a bank robbery which took place in 2014,
against a Pax Bank in Aachen. Their court case is set to begin on
January 23rd 2017, and will unfold during a 5 month period.

An other comrade, from Amsterdam, was tried for an other bank robbery
which took place in July 2013 at an Aachener branch.  In December 2016
she was acquitted. The State has since gone into revision appeal.

Whether these charged comrades ever entered these banks as unusual
customers or not is none of our concern, although we have nothing to
reproach to anyone who chooses to enter a bank armed. Our solidarity
lies with the struggles and ideas of these individuals, who, faced with
repression, have not compromised their dignity or ethics, their love for
freedom or their disdain for all authority.

The forensic police is talking about having found DNA traces in or
around the banks, on movable objects, which apparently resulted
compatible with the DNA of the accused anarchists. This evidence is
presented as an impartial and infallible indication of their presence on
those specific days in those financial institutions. Although we will
leave it to the courts and lawyers to argue about the technical
fallacies of this investigative method, these ever-growing international
DNA databases, acquired through all necessary means, become a problem
concerning everyone. These forensic proofs which are presented as
absolute truth, are in fact an other example of sciences in service of
social control and the State. This rational “neutrality” in the name of
the neutralization of unmanageable and unwanted people is in complete
conformity with democratic values: in the name of safety it attempts to
make us all willful participants in the codification of our lives.

Like in most juridical cases this technological evidence is paired with
the criminal profile of anyone considered undesirable and unprofitable
by the State (be it socially, economically, ethnically, or ethically).
These characteristics are amplified by the mainstream media, which helps
in the legitimization of repression. They are accomplices in
manufacturing these “dangerous” figures and creating the consensus to
remove them from “civil” society.

It is up to those who do not accept and are not accepted by this world,
to fight and organize ourselves against  exploitation, alienation and
the sterilization of our imagination for self-determination. It is up to
each one of us to attack these logics based on accumulation and
authority, wage-slavery and submission, wars among the poor and wars
among the States, industrial destruction and technological colonization.
To struggle for a life of dignity, autonomy and freedom.

Until we all are free...

For revolt!

Dowload poster here:
soli poster jan 2017 vertical


[poster] Solidariteit met de anarchisten die het doelwit zijn van repressie in Aken

Twee kameraden uit Barcelona werden op verschillende momenten gearresteerd in de lente van 2016 en uitgeleverd aan Duitsland om daar opgesloten te worden in afwachting van hun proces. De aanklager in Aken beschuldigt ze van een bankoverval op de PAX Bank die plaatsvond in 2014. Hun proces begint 23 januari 2017 en zal plaatsvinden over een tijdsbestek van 5 maanden.

Een andere kameraad uit Amsterdam werd eerder beschuldig van een andere bankoverval op de Aachener Bank die plaatsvond in juli 2013. In december 2016 werd zij vrijgesproken. De staat is in cassatie gegaan.

Of deze beschuldigde kameraden de banken nou hebben betreden als ongewone klanten of niet is voor ons niet belangrijk, hoewel we niets verwijten aan een ieder die een bank gewapend betreed. Onze solidariteit gaat uit naar de strijd en ideeën van deze individuen, die geconfronteerd worden met repressie en desondanks niet hun waardigheid en ethiek, hun liefde voor vrijheid en hun verwerping van autoriteit zijn verloren.

De forensische onderzoekspolitie heeft het over DNA-sporen die gevonden zijn op losse objecten die blijkbaar resulteerden in vergelijkbaar DNA van de beschuldigde anarchisten. Dit bewijsmateriaal wordt gepresenteerd als een onpartijdige en onfeilbare indicatie van hun aanwezigheid op die bepaalde dagen in de financiële instellingen. Hoewel we het zullen overlaten aan de rechtbanken en advocaten om te bekvechten over de technische drogredenen van deze onderzoeksmethode, zijn de steeds groeiende internationale DNA-databanken, verworven door alle mogelijke middelen, uitgegroeid tot een probleem dat iedereen kan treffen. Dit forensische bewijs dat wordt gepresenteerd als de duiding op de absolute waarheid is wederom een voorbeeld van wetenschap in dienst van controle en de staat. Deze wetenschappelijke “neutraliteit” in de naam van de neutralisatie van onbeheersbare en ongewenste mensen is volledig in overeenstemming met de democratische waarden: in naam van de veiligheid van de samenleving poogt het ons allemaal gewillige deelnemers te maken aan de codificering van onze levens.

Zoals in veel gerechtelijke processen wordt het technologische bewijs gekoppeld aan een crimineel profiel van een ieder die ongewenst en onrendabel is voor de staat (zij het sociaal, economisch, etnisch, of ethisch). Deze eigenschappen worden versterkt door de mainstream media, die helpt bij de legitimatie van onderdrukking. Ze zijn medeplichtigen in de productie van deze “gevaarlijke” figuren en het creëren van de consensus om hen van de “burgermaatschappij” te verwijderen.

Het is aan een ieder die dit niet accepteerd en niet geaccepteerd word door deze wereld om te vechten en zichzelf te organiseren tegen de uitbuiting, vervreemding en de sterilisatie van onze daden en onze dromen. Het is aan een ieder van ons om deze logica gebaseerd op de accumulatie en gezag, loon-slavernij en onderwerping, oorlogen onder de armen en oorlogen tussen de staten, de industriële vernietiging en technologische kolonisatie aan te vallen.

Om te strijden voor een waardig leven, autonomie en vrijheid.

Tot we allemaal vrij zijn…

Voor opstand!

download poster here:

soli poster jan 2017 vertical NL

[posters/ flyers] Greece: some words of solidarity

Poster & flyer in Greek, spread in Athens & Patras,

excerpt in English below:
This trial, and the trials to come, will be but masquerades. Because we already know, and always have known, the judgment of the state concerning all those who actively oppose her and the kind of society it defends so eagerly. They will be called criminals, or if it suits better the times, terrorists… But it’s the state and it’s courts who are the terrorists. Terrorizing people always more and more in a reality which is becoming a true dictatorship of money and control. Continuously inventing more laws, pushing more technologies, gathering more tools to oppress anyone who revolts conscientiously against the daily misery, or those who are simply of no value to the system. Backed up by the indifference of many, they prosecute in the courts, bury alive in the prisons, kill at the borders or in the streets of the cities those who hold dear their dignity and decide to not be a slave of the daily routine
We are in solidarity with the anarchists facing trials in Germany, and all those choosing paths of freedom instead of the submission and boredom which are forced upon us by this existant, its courts and its cops, its infrastructures of control, its moral and its perspectives.
Let’s put this solidarity in practice by attacking what makes it possible that history repeats itself over and over again. From the politicians, the judges and the media who maintain the prison we are living in today, to the architects which are designing the prisons of tomorrow from behind their desks, to the laboratories of technological ‘progress’ in which a control is being developed that goes beyond imagination for decades to come….

Solidarity/ Freedom



greek-flyer-poster ii


[publication] Hands off!

[anonymously sent to the mail]

from the introduction:

These pages shine a light on three anarchists presently sequestered in the dungeons of the neo dark ages as a result of the collusion between money lenders, science laboratories, judges and their henchmen.

It all began a few years ago. Two branches of dedicated speculators in genocide, worldwide slavery and domestic misery – Aachener Bank and Pax Bank, bank of the Vatican, – were relieved of a fraction of their spoils when employees obeyed the requests of some clients arms in hand. No shots fired, a couple of news items, examples of one of the few ways for the excluded to deal with banks: put one’s life on the line and take back some of what has been stolen from us all, in anticipation of destroying the bank itself and the exploitation that goes with it. If this elementary activity has changed little over the centuries, the retaliatory instruments available to such institutions through their eager defenders have extended to the laboratories of high technology (which they finance), opening up a new repressive era for those who do not accept the logic of misery and waiting.

If once the bosses’ hounds would sniff around for ‘clues’, they now claim to extract them from inside our very bodies, to which end they have invented a whole series of tricks, some of which are denounced in the pages that follow, after turning to their cyber colleagues and the now ubiquitous practice of DNA matching. As a result, three anarchists from various European countries have been targeted, accused, imprisoned and dispatched to the cages of the European superpower, boss of bosses, usurer of usurers.

This reality affects us all. The DNA banks are widening their perspectives, their final aim being the profiling of the entire human race. It widens the field of action for all those who want to have done with this world and have decided to act, fired by yet another repressive spectacle to the detriment of those who have never bowed their heads to power and its covenants.

A few anarchists in solidarity

PDF: 1st_updated


[flyer] flyer distributed 1/9 on the streets of Amsterdam

solidarity 9.1

On the September 1st a court hearing will take place to decide about the extradition towards germany of an anarchist, who is charged with bank robbery by the prosecution on Aachen. She has already been arrested for this case in July 2015, and served 5 months under a preventive investigative regime, but was released, free of all charges in December 2015. The cassatie court has however decided to confirm the charges and take her to court.

International collaboration between judicial and police departments is nothing new, and in this case, as in many other cases, is used by the States as a political tool to reinforce repression and reaffirm the respect for each other’s national sovereignty, control and power.

Whatever the outcome of this case, the logics of the State and the courts are nothing that belong to anyone who in this world seeks freedom and autonomy. The concept of justice that this world imposes on the poor, on the rebels, on the undesirable, on the unproductive, on those who pursue freedom on their own terms, is just a tool to maintain the armed order and peace of the markets. This is a justice that aims to punish anyone who through ideas or deeds challenges the robbing, the pillaging, the massacring, the manipulation that State and Capital are ravaging this world with.

Whether the comrade accused is innocent or guilty, is of no importance to us. Because we simply do not submit to the morals of authority and the world it wants to keep in place.

An attack on anyone who refuses the State’s coercion and control, is an attack on everyone who on their own path and by their own means is struggling for freedom.

We send strength and courage to the comrade facing repression in Aachen.



[spoken word, Chocking Victim, Money]

In every single bank robbery,
That in every single case practically,
the cost of the police was more then the actual money
that the robbers took from the bank.
Does that mean, oh you see?
Of course it’s an economic,
of course they’re defending the banks.
Of course, because if they didn’t stop that bank robbery, regardless of the cost,
This could jeopardize the entire banking system.
You see, there are people who believe that the function of the police is to fight crime.
And that’s not true, the function of the police is social control,
and protection of property.

[Portugal] Callout for solidarity with anarchists accused in Aachen bank robbery cases

found on https://en-contrainfo.espiv.net/2016/07/12/portugal-callout-for-solidarity-with-anarchists-accused-in-aachen-bank-robbery-cases/

Solidarity with anarchists arrested during investigation into several bank robberies in Aachen, Germany

Over the past weeks, various persons have been arrested in Spain and the Netherlands under orders of the German criminal police. A person has been extradited to Germany, another is held in the Netherlands. The investigation is related to various bank robberies in 2013 and 2014 in the city of Aachen.

Are they guilty or innocent? In a society that tends more and more to a dictatorship of money and control, we don’t really care to know the verdict of their courts. The State and its judicial system have always proved to be vigorous watchdogs of the dominant ideology, always marginalising, punishing, capturing, torturing and even assassinating those who are consciously opposed to it, or just those who aren’t lucrative for it and are therefore deemed disposable.

Our hearts and thoughts are with anyone who seeks new paths, who chooses not to be a slave of the status quo, and tries to discover the practical possibilities of that choice; with anyone who fights against the different forms of authority, and attacks the structures and institutions that make oppression of the poor and the undesirable increasingly real.

From everywhere, domination sabotages anyone who lives free and self-determinedly. Let’s fight for reconquering our freedom by sabotaging domination.


In solidarity, we carry on…

Portugal, beginning of July 2016

solidaritatrebel.noblogs.org // solidariteit.noblogs.org

the poster in pdf format: a3, a5 | in portuguese



van indymedia.nl


Solidariteitsposters zijn hier te downloaden:

Nederlandse versie: https://autonomendenhaag.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/solidariteit.pdf
Engelse versie: https://autonomendenhaag.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/solidariteitenga3.pdf

Print en verspreid ze zoveel mogelijk!