[solidarity] Berlin: Sabotage an ATMs

[found on https://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/node/196257]

Angriffe auf verschiedene ATM in Berlin in den Nächten 04. November und 07. November
als kleines zeichen unserer solidarität haben wir in verschiedenen nächten und an verschiedenen orten in berlin einige geldautomaten unbraucbar gemacht.
wir wollen damit zum prozessbeginn einer gefährtin, die in aachen wegen dem vorwurf der beteiligung an einem bankraub, ihr viele kraft und einen lieben Gruß schicken.
Für uns sind die enteignung von banken und die zerstörung des geldes ein guter umgang mit der unterdrückerischen macht des gleichen.

Solidaritaet, Wut und Anarchie!

[solidarity] Hamburg: Solidarische Grüße

In der Nacht von 4. auf 5. November wurden einige solidarische Grüße auf eine Mauer am Hafen in Hamburg gemalt, damit Containerschiffe und Fähren auch mal etwas Wertvolles über das Meer transportieren.

„Solidarität mit den wegen Bankraubs in Aachen angeklagten Anarchist*innen” und „Gegen jede Herrschaft”.


[Update] Aachen: Erster Prozesstag

Am 4. November fand die erste Sitzung im Prozess gegen die verhaftete Anarchistin aus Amsterdam statt, die man eines Bankraubs in Aachen im Jahr 2013 beschuldigt.

Obwohl beim Gerichtsgebäude eine Menge Bullen verschiedenster Einheiten und Uniformen (Bereitschaftspolizei im Innenhof und im Gebäude, Ausweiskontrollen für alle Anwesenden beim Prozess, Bullen die Leute auf der Straße kontrollierten) waren über 30 unterstützende Freunde und Mitstreiter anwesend.
Außerhalb des Gerichtsgebäudes wurde ein Transparent gezeigt, das die unmittelbare Freilassung der Kameradin forderte.

Die Sitzung dauerte keine Stunde, lediglich einige Formalitäten, das Verlesen der Anklage und das Festlegen des Zeitplans des Prozesses. Die nächste Sitzung findet am 17. November um 10:30 statt. Wir wollen euch daran erinnern, dass ihr um spätestens 9:45 eintreffen solltet, da es einige Zeit dauert, um durch die Sicherheitskontrollen zu kommen.

[solidarity] Hamburg: solidarity greetings

In the night between the 4th and 5th of November, some solidarity greetings were painted on a harbour wall in Hamburg, as to let the container ships and ferries for once bring something of value over the seas.

“Solidaritaet mit den wegen Bankraubs in Aachen angeklagten Anarchist*innen” and “Gegen jede Herrschaft”.


[posters/ flyers] Greece: some words of solidarity

Poster & flyer in Greek, spread in Athens & Patras,

excerpt in English below:
This trial, and the trials to come, will be but masquerades. Because we already know, and always have known, the judgment of the state concerning all those who actively oppose her and the kind of society it defends so eagerly. They will be called criminals, or if it suits better the times, terrorists… But it’s the state and it’s courts who are the terrorists. Terrorizing people always more and more in a reality which is becoming a true dictatorship of money and control. Continuously inventing more laws, pushing more technologies, gathering more tools to oppress anyone who revolts conscientiously against the daily misery, or those who are simply of no value to the system. Backed up by the indifference of many, they prosecute in the courts, bury alive in the prisons, kill at the borders or in the streets of the cities those who hold dear their dignity and decide to not be a slave of the daily routine
We are in solidarity with the anarchists facing trials in Germany, and all those choosing paths of freedom instead of the submission and boredom which are forced upon us by this existant, its courts and its cops, its infrastructures of control, its moral and its perspectives.
Let’s put this solidarity in practice by attacking what makes it possible that history repeats itself over and over again. From the politicians, the judges and the media who maintain the prison we are living in today, to the architects which are designing the prisons of tomorrow from behind their desks, to the laboratories of technological ‘progress’ in which a control is being developed that goes beyond imagination for decades to come….

Solidarity/ Freedom



greek-flyer-poster ii


[update] Aachen: first court date

on the 4th of November the first session took place of the trial against the anarchist arrested in Amsterdam accused by the prosecution of aachen of a bank robbery (from 2013).

Although at the courthouse there was an abundant presence of cops of all functions and uniforms (riot police in the courtyard and inside the building, an id check for anyone attending the courtcase, cops controlling some people on the streets), over 30 friends and comrades were present in support.

There was a banner outside the court building which demanded immediate release for the comrade.

The session lasted no longer than one hour, just a few formalities, the reading of the charges and the arranging of the schedule for the trial. The next date is thursday 17th November at 10:30. We remind everyone who wants to be present that they should arrive to the courtroom no later than  9:45, as getting through security takes quite some time.

[solidarity] Barcelona: Intervention in Solidarität mit den eingesperrten Kameraden, beschuldigt für Bankraube in Deutschland

[found on http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/507234/index.php]

Heute, 2 Novermber um 13:30 mittags, tauchten ca. 30 Mitstreiter vor den Toren des Circulo Ecuestre unter der Adresse Balmes 169 in Barcelona auf. Dort fand ein Brunch/Vortrag organisiert durch den Kreis Deutschsprachiger Führungskräfte statt, bei dem Esperanza Aguirre, Sprecherin der Partido Popular im Gemeinderat von Madrid, ihr neuestes Buch vorstellte, das den derartig dummen wie deutlichen Titel „Ich schweige nicht“ trägt.
Es wurde ein Transparent ausgebreitet, Flugblätter wurden hinein geworfen bzw. um das Gebäude herum verteilt und Slogans wurden in Solidarität mit den drei anarchistischen Kameraden geschrien, die zur Zeit in Deutschland, unter der Anklage Banken beraubt zu haben, eingesperrt sind.
Diese Intervention dauerte nur ungefähr zwanzig Minuten, aber unsere solidarischen Schreie und unsere Anwesenheit konnten die ekelhaften Gäste und Mitglieder der politisch-wirtschaftlichen Elite stören, welche die Ausbeutung aufrechterhalten und das Elend säen.

Lasst uns nicht vergessen, dass diese Woche, am 4. November, die Verhandlung einer der Kameradinnen in der Stadt Aachen beginnt.

Freiheit für die gefangenen Anarchisten!
Gegen den Staat und das Kapital, für den sozialen Krieg!

[solidarity] Barcelona: Intervention in solidarity with the jailed comrades

[found on http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/507234/index.php]

Today, November 2nd, at 13:30, 30 some comrades showed up at the Circulo Ecuestre located at Balmes 169, to disturb a brunch/talk organised by the German speaking Círculo de Directivos. There, Esperanza Aguirre, the speaker for the Popular Party of Madrid’s city council, was presenting her new book, a book titled as stupidly as it is revealing: “I don’t shut up”
A banner was hung, flyers were thrown inside and around the building and comrades shouted their solidarity with the three anarchist comrades accused of robbing banks in Germany, who are currently in jail.

The intervention lasted just twenty minutes but with that act and our shouts in solidarity we were able to bother the distgusting guests and members of the political-economic elite that perpetuate exploitation and sew misery.

The trial for one of our comrades starts this week, the 4th of November in the city of Aachen.
Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners
Against the State and Capital, … social war!!!

[texts for discussion] the world in a spit, over DNA

Text found and translated from Finimondo.org


A few days ago in Italian prisons commenced the collection of samples destined to compose the National Archive for DNA, an institution run under the Minister of Internal Affairs who is busy compiling the genetic profile of all the individuals incarcerated, investigated, arrested or detained, along with the Dna found on crime scenes. This process is in accordance with a decision taken on a European level – sanctioned in 2005 by the treaty of Prüm, endorsed by Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Austria (and adopted by Italy in 2009) – as part of the the so-called “fight against terrorism and criminality”, which also extends beyond the European Union’s borders

Full text:



Open office:


or here



[publication] Hands off!

[anonymously sent to the mail]

from the introduction:

These pages shine a light on three anarchists presently sequestered in the dungeons of the neo dark ages as a result of the collusion between money lenders, science laboratories, judges and their henchmen.

It all began a few years ago. Two branches of dedicated speculators in genocide, worldwide slavery and domestic misery – Aachener Bank and Pax Bank, bank of the Vatican, – were relieved of a fraction of their spoils when employees obeyed the requests of some clients arms in hand. No shots fired, a couple of news items, examples of one of the few ways for the excluded to deal with banks: put one’s life on the line and take back some of what has been stolen from us all, in anticipation of destroying the bank itself and the exploitation that goes with it. If this elementary activity has changed little over the centuries, the retaliatory instruments available to such institutions through their eager defenders have extended to the laboratories of high technology (which they finance), opening up a new repressive era for those who do not accept the logic of misery and waiting.

If once the bosses’ hounds would sniff around for ‘clues’, they now claim to extract them from inside our very bodies, to which end they have invented a whole series of tricks, some of which are denounced in the pages that follow, after turning to their cyber colleagues and the now ubiquitous practice of DNA matching. As a result, three anarchists from various European countries have been targeted, accused, imprisoned and dispatched to the cages of the European superpower, boss of bosses, usurer of usurers.

This reality affects us all. The DNA banks are widening their perspectives, their final aim being the profiling of the entire human race. It widens the field of action for all those who want to have done with this world and have decided to act, fired by yet another repressive spectacle to the detriment of those who have never bowed their heads to power and its covenants.

A few anarchists in solidarity

PDF: 1st_updated