Some light on the investigation that led to the imprisonment of the comrade arrested on the 13th of April

On the 13th of April, with a brief press release spread by the Mossos d’Esquadra, the policial operation was announced in which the comrade currently imprisoned in Cologne (Germany) was arrested in Barcelona, on accusation of having expropriated a bank in the city of Aachen.

According to this press release, the operation responded to compliance with an international request sent out by the prosecution office of Aachen that two days before the operation had issued an arrest warrant for the militant anarchist in Barcelona. What the press release did not explain and which until now had not been known to the public is that the arrest and the house raids carried out by the cops in the neighbourhoods Gracia and Carmel in Barcelona were not the simple execution of an international request, but the culmination of a long and narrow collaboration between the policial and judicial forces of the German and Spanish states, with active participation of the autonomous Catalan police. The involvement of the Mossos d’Esquadra in the case was initiated long before April and, as has become obvious, went far beyond a passive and merely executory role.

An ordinary morning in Aachen

On the morning of the 14th November 2014 a group of armed people enters an office of the Pax Bank in the Westphalian city of Aachen, in the east of the country. After having emptied the heavy safe and tying up the employees of the bank, they leave the building without having caused any personal injuries or damage. During the two days that follow, the police responsible for the investigation, the Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen (LKA NRW), will connect this expropriation with two other attacks that occurred in the previous two years in the city (1) and will begin an authentic – and fruitless – mediatic campaign of denunciation, publicly spreading the details of the robberies and offering rewards of thousands of euros to anyone who could provide information about possible suspects. The LKA goes so far in this strategy that it decides to use a famous and deplorable TV program in its campaign, which is broadcasted on one of the country’s main channels: Aktenzeichen XY… Ungelöst (Case File XY… Unsolved). This is a reality show with a vigilante character, in which cases that the police were unable to solve are presented in a sick manner, showing CCTV footage, clothes found on the “crime” scenes, composite sketches, and dramatic reconstructions of the deeds in order to impress and incite the masses of spectators to help the forces of the State and snitch.

The wig, the glove and the can

Four months after the action, in March 2015, the investigation will adopt a new direction with the appearance of the Catalan police on the scene. They will sent information to Germany, in response to the international request the LKA had sent out containing profiles of DNA samples (2) that supposedly were found on the scene, to see if there are any matches in the databases of other States. According to the Mossos, the profile of a sample taken from a wig found in the proximity of the Pax Bank in Aachen in November matches with an entry in their DNA database, a trace taken from a glove that was found in the street after a political direct action that took place in the neighbourhood of Sants in Barcelona in June 2009. From this moment a shared investigation begins in which the police forces of both States share information and start an intensive investigation within what the German press has called “the extreme left squatter movement of Barcelona” and which, according to the thesis exposed to the media by the prosecutor and police of Aachen, has been the main stage of the investigation.

In the course of this investigation, and always according to the version of the cops, toward the end of June agents of the information division of the Mossos secretly confiscate an empty can of beer left on the street by the accused comrade. From this can they would have taken DNA samples in order to realise a direct comparison with the traces of genetic material found close to the Pax Bank after the expropriation. Four months later, toward the end of October, information from the biological laboratories of the Mossos would have confirmed the match between both samples. Nevertheless, almost six more months will pass before on the 12th of April of this year an European arrest warrant and extradition order with her name will be sent from Aachen, resulting in the arrest in her house in the neighbourhood of Carmel the following day.

Repression and social control: the DNA of the States

The policial process that resulted in this arrest therefore confirms that which many of us already suspected, namely that the Mossos d’Esquadra since years have been massively and systematically confiscating our DNA during actions, mobilisations, house raids and protests in order to build a database with genetic data that increases the control over antagonistic movements. That which initially was introduced as an exceptional means, arguing the necessity of protecting oneself against repeat sexual offenders and similar cases, is being used and normalised as a repressive technology in service of the persecution of political militants.

In the Spanish State this policial modus operandi has been experimented with by the autonomous Basque police (Ertzaintza) in the repression of the patriotic left and the struggles of Euskal Herria. Just like the newspaper Gara already pointed out in 2007, the Ertzaintza started to build a database with genetic data by confiscating cigarette butts and glasses during street celebrations, toothbrushes during house raids, or plastic nozzles used in fake controls with breathalysers. The problems of reliability and validity that experts have attributed to using DNA methods as evidence did not prevent the autonomous Basque police to initiate judicial processes based on genetic profiles as the only proof, processes that with the priceless help of the exception courts of the Spanish Audiencia Nacional often have resulted in huge prison sentences for the accused.

On a European level, the use of genetic technologies in the policial and judicial scope has only increased since at the end of the ’80s Interpol imported the strategy of creating databases aimed at the identification of persons through DNA profiles from the United States. Despite the differences in the socio-political and judicial context in every place, the general shared tendency on an international level is the exponential growth of personal information registered in these databases and the progressive elimination of legal restrictions that limit the introduction of and persecution with new samples. The policial use of genetic technologies has drastically increased in the entire European Union, and the criteria for allowing its use are weaker every time. Therefore we find ourselves facing an enormous qualitative leap, this time not in the repressive methods directed at dissident minorities, but in the capacity of the States of social control of the entire population. In front of this challenge, as enemies of the status quo we will need to decide between letting ourselves be intimidated by the control mechanisms of Power, or creating adequate political strategies and practices to confront it, knowing that the hypothesis of a totally controlled society is only that; the unrealisable dark fantasy of a logic of domination that will always encounter resistance.


(1) Let’s not forget that recently a comrade was arrested again in Amsterdam, who is accused of having participated in one of these expropriations, more specifically the one that took place in July 2013. [TN: She has been released with conditions and is currently awaiting her extradition case in the Netherlands]

(2) Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a chemical component of cell nucleus that contains the genetic information which is transmitted in a hereditary manner in living organisms. This acid is found in all animal cells – human and non-human –, plants and other organisms, except in red blood cells. DNA is used in various methods (biogenetic, nanotechnology, bioinformatics, etc.), but what this text is concerned with is the so-called “forensic”, used in policial, judicial and penal contexts. In these cases DNA is used that is extracted from hair, saliva or blood, resulting in what is called a genetic fingerprint or “DNA profile”. The various sequences of this fingerprint of profile is what establishes a difference between people, as if it were a “human bar code”.

Etwas Licht in die Untersuchung, die zu Verhaftung der Gefährtin am 13. April geführt hat

Mit einem kurzen Pressebericht, veröffentlicht durch die Mossos d’Esquadra wurde am 13. April jene Polizeioperation [1] kundgetan, während der in Barcelona eine Gefährtin verhaftet wurde, die sich zur Zeit in einem Knast in Köln (Deutschland) befindet, angeklagt ein Bankinstitut in Aachen enteignet zu haben.

Laut diesem Bericht war diese Operation die Folge der Ausführung eines Internationalen Haftbefehls, ausgestellt durch die Staatsanwaltschaft Aachen, die zwei Tage zuvor den Haftbefehl auf den Namen der Anarchistin aus Barcelona unterschrieben hatte. Was der Bericht nicht erklärt und was bis heute nicht veröffentlicht wurde, ist die Tatsache, dass die Verhaftung und die Durchsuchungen in den Vierteln Gràcia und Carmel nicht nur die Durchführung eines internationalen Haftbefehls bedeuteten, sondern den Höhepunkt einer langen und engen Kooperation zwischen den Polizei- und Justizapparaten des deutschen und des spanischen Staates unter Teilnahme der autonomen katalanischen Polizei. Die Einbeziehung der Mossos d’Esquadra in diesen Fall begann bereits viel früher als April und ging, wie sich herausstellte, weit über eine einfache und rein ausführende Rolle hinaus.

Ein normaler Morgen in Aachen

Am Morgen des 14. November 2014 betritt eine Gruppe von bewaffneten Personen die Filiale der Pax Bank im westfälischen Ort Aachen, im Westen des Landes. Nach dem Leeren des Tresors und dem Fesseln der Angestellten der Bank, wird die Filiale, ohne Verletzte oder persönliche Schäden zu hinterlassen, verlassen. In den darauffolgenden Tagen verknüpft die mit der Untersuchung beauftragte Polizeibehörde, das Landeskriminalamt von Nordrhein-Westfalen (LKA NRW), diese Bankenteignung mit zwei anderen Überfällen, die in den Jahren zuvor in der gleichen Stadt stattgefunden hatten [2] und setzt eine ernsthafte – und erfolglose – mediale Kampagne der Denunziation in Bewegung, veröffentlicht die Details der Überfälle und bietet Belohnungen von tausenden Euros für jene an, die irgendwelche Informationen zu den fluchtverdächtigen Personen geben können. Das LKA ging sogar so weit mit dieser Strategie, dass es entschied für seine Kampagne ein berühmtes und erbärmliches Fernsehprogramm zu verwenden, das auf allen wichtigen Kanälen des Landes ausgestrahlt wird: Aktenzeichen XY… Ungelöst. Es handelt sich um eine Reality Show, der offensichtlich para-polizeilichen Art, bei der in morbider Art und Weise Fälle preisgegeben werden, welche die Polizei unfähig war selbst zu schließen. In diesem Programm wurden Bilder der Sicherheitskameras, am „Tatort“ gefundene Kleidung, Phantombilder und dramatisierte Rekonstruktionen des Sachverhalts gezeigt, um die zuschauende Masse zu beeindrucken und anzustiften, den staatlichen Behörden zu helfen und andere Personen zu denunzieren.


Die Perücke, der Handschuh und die Dose

Vier Monate nach der Aktion, im März 2015, schlägt die Untersuchung eine neue Richtung ein indem die katalanische Polizei die Bühne betritt. Diese schickt eine Nachricht als Antwort auf das Gesuch, welches das LKA im Januar auf internationalem Level gemacht und dabei die genetischen Profile, die aus den vermeintlich am Tatort gefundenen DNA-Spuren [3] gewonnen wurden, in Umlauf gebracht hatte, auf der Suche nach möglichen Übereinstimmungen in den DNA-Datenbanken anderer Staaten. Den Mossos zufolge stimmt das Profil, das aus einer Spur auf einer, nahe der Pax Bank von Aachen gefundenen, Perücke gewonnen wurde mit einem Eintrag in deren DNA-Datenbank überein, einer Spur, von einem Handschuh, der auf der Straße nach einer direkten Aktion mit politischem Charakter im Viertel von Sants in Barcelona im Juni 2009 gefunden wurde. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt beginnt eine gemeinsame Untersuchung, bei der die Polizeibehörden beider Staaten Informationen austauschen und intensive Nachforschungen innerhalb der, wie es die deutsche Presse nennt, “Besetzerbewegung der extremen Linken von Barcelona” angestellt werden. Den in den Medien durch die Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizei von Aachen dargestellten Thesen zufolge war diese der Hauptschauplatz der Untersuchung.

Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung, immer der Version der Polizei zufolge, sammelten Beamte der Informationseinheit der Mossos Ende Juni heimlich eine leere Bierdose der beschuldigten Gefährtin auf der Straße auf. Auf dieser Bierdose konnten sie DNA-Spuren sichern, mit dem Zweck einen direkten Abgleich mit den Spuren des genetischen Materials durchzuführen, die nahe der Pax Bank nach der Enteignung gefunden worden waren. Vier Monate später, Ende Oktober, bestätigte ein Gutachten des biologischen Laboratoriums der Mossos die Übereinstimmung der beiden Proben. Dennoch dauerte es fast sechs Monate, bis am 12. April dieses Jahres ein europäischer Haftbefehl aus Aachen gegen sie ausgestellt wird und sie letztendlich am folgenden Tag in ihrer Wohnung im Viertel von Carmel verhaftet wird.

Repression und soziale Kontrolle: die DNA der Staaten

Das Polizeiverfahren, das in die Verhaftung der Gefährtin mündete, bestätigt uns also das, was viele schon vermuteten, nämlich, dass die Mossos d’Esquadra seit Jahren massiv und systematisch biologische Proben sammeln, während Aktionen, Demonstrationen, Durchsuchungen und Protesten, zur Anfertigung einer genetischen Datenbank, um die Kontrolle über die antagonistischen Bewegungen zu erhöhen. Was ursprünglich als außerordentliche Maßnahme eingeführt wurde, argumentiert mit der Notwendigkeit sich gegen Wiederholungstäter und wiederholende Fälle zu schützen, wird als weitere repressive Technologie implementiert und normalisiert, zur Verfolgung von politisch kämpfenden Personen.

Im spanischen Staat ist dieser modus operandi seit langer Zeit üblich, erprobt durch die autonome baskische Polizei (Ertzaintza) in der Repression gegen die baskische Linke und die Kämpfe in Euskal Herria. Wie die Zeitung Gara bereits im Jahr 2007 anprangert [4], begann die Ertzaintza auf Anhieb genetische Datenbanken durch das Sammeln von Zigarettenstummeln und Gläsern während den Festen, Zahnbürsten bei Durchsuchungen, oder Plastikmundstücken bei falschen Alkoholkontrollen anzulegen. Die Probleme der Zuverlässigkeit und Beweisgültigkeit, die diesen Methoden durch Experten auf dem Feld von DNA-Techniken zugeschrieben werden, hielt die autonome baskische Polizei nicht davon ab Gerichtsprozesse, basierend auf genetischen Profilen als einzigem Beweis, zu beginnen. Prozesse, die mit der unschätzbaren Hilfe der Außerordentlichen Gerichte der spanischen Audiència Nacional oft in langen Haftstrafen für die Angeklagten endeten.

Auf europäischem Niveau hat die Verwendung von genetischen Technologien im polizeilichen und gerichtlichen Umfeld nicht aufgehört an Boden zu gewinnen, seit Interpol Ende der 80er Jahre die Strategie der Vereinigten Staaten importierte, Datenbanken anzulegen zur Identifizierung von Personen durch ein genetisches Profil. Trotz den örtlichen Unterschieden in Bezug auf den soziopolitischen und juridischen Kontext, ist die Tendenz auf internationalem Niveau der exponentielle Zuwachs der, in diesen Datenbanken verzeichneten, persönlichen Informationen und die fortschreitende Eliminierung der gesetzlichen Beschränkungen, welche die Einführung und Verarbeitung von neuen Proben limitieren. Die polizeiliche Verwendung der genetischen Technologien ist überall in der europäischen Union drastisch angestiegen und die Kriterien für die Zulassung ihrer Anwendung werden immer lockerer. Wir finden uns deshalb in einem ungemeinen, qualitativen Sprung wieder, nicht nur in Bezug auf die repressiven Methoden, abzielend auf Bereiche minoritärer Dissidenten, sondern auch in Bezug auf die Fähigkeit der Staaten die gesamte Bevölkerung ganz allgemein einer sozialen Kontrolle zu unterwerfen. Vor dieser Herausforderung müssen die Feinde des status quo wählen zwischen uns einschüchtern lassen durch die Kontrollmechanismen der Macht oder geeignete politische und praktische Strategien zu entwickeln, um diese zu bekämpfen, wissend, dass die Hypothese einer vollkommen kontrollierten Gesellschaft nur das ist; die dunkle undenkbare Phantasie einer Logik der Beherrschung, die immer Widerstand finden wird.


[1]… (Katalanisch)

[2] Vergessen wir nicht, dass vor kurzem eine Gefährtin in Amsterdam wiederum verhaftete wurde, die beschuldigt wird an einer dieser Enteignungen – konkret jener, die im Juli 2013 statt gefunden hat – teilgenommen zu haben. Die verhaftete Gefährtin wurde am 15. Juli in Abwartung des Prozesses über ihre Auslieferung nach Deutschland am 1. September 2016 wieder freigelassen. Mehr Infos unter

[3] Die Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNA) ist ein chemischer Bestandteil der Nuklearzelle, welcher die genetische Information enthält, die durch Erbgang in den lebenden Organismus übertragen wird. Diese Säure kommt in allen tierischen Zellen – menschlich oder nicht –, Pflanzen und anderen Organismen vor, außer in den roten Blutkörperchen. Die DNA wird bei verschiedenen Methoden (Biogenetik, Nanotechnologie, Bioinformatik etc.) angewandt, jene die uns jedoch in diesem Text interessiert ist die berühmte «forensische», die in polizeilichen, juridischen und strafrechtlichen Zusammenhängen verwendet wird. In diesen Fällen wird die DNA verwendet, die aus der Haut, dem Speichel oder dem Blut extrahiert wird, mit dem Ergebnis, dass sich daraus der genetische Fingerabdruck oder das «DNA-Profil» gewinnen lässt. Die Variationen der Sequenz dieses Fingerabdrucks oder Profils erlauben es Personen zu unterscheiden, als ob es sich um einen „menschlichen Barcode handelt“.

[4]… (Spanisch)

[texts for discussion] The world in a spit

[translated from here]

The world in a spit

A few days ago in Italian prisons commenced the collection of samples destined to compose the National Archive for DNA, an institution run under the Minister of Internal Affairs who is busy compiling the genetic profile of all the individuals incarcerated, investigated, arrested or detained, along with the Dna found on crime scenes. This process is in accordance with a decision taken on a European level – sanctioned in 2005 by the treaty of Prüm, endorsed by Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Austria (and adopted by Italy in 2009) – as part of the the so-called “fight against terrorism and criminality”, which also extends beyond the European Union’s borders. Now, officially and with a few years of delay, the italian authorities have started to put into practice a measure which has already been implemented since years in other countries. In the United Kingdom, the homeland of the inventor of the genetic print, Alec Jeffreys, the National Dna Database was already instituted back in 1995. Also France certainly did not wait for the Treaty of Prüm to create its very own Fichier national automatisé des eimpreints génétiques, founded in 1998.

Genetic profiling is described by all governments as a “powerful weapon in the fight against crime”, capable of providing key elements to punish the perpetrators of particularly heinous crimes and of exonerating the innocent. Especially evoked in the cases of homicide and rape, Dna as a piece of evidence, is presented as if it were definitive, irrefutable, synonym of absolute truth. Today the british archive as well as the french one contain millions and millions of genetic codes and their number is constantly increasing. All potential killer rapists? Certainly not. As a crossroads between a “justice equal for all” and a “science at the service of all”, the taking of Dna samples is a judicial procedure which possesses the same exponential and irreversible qualities of technique. Exactly like justice and science, it is functional only to the interests of the State. Thus, in countries like the cunning Albion the taking of a DNA sample is intended not only to solve particularly brutal cases, but also against those accused of shoplifting or of public drunkenness or of participation in a non-authorized demonstration (to give an idea of the generalization of such a practice, it suffices to mention that already by the end of 2007 the british database contained the data of 150.000 kids under the age of 16); while in the land of human rights the field of genetic collection, originally proposed to unmask a serial killer, has been extended over the course of the last years in order to uncover, among other abhorring crimes, the authours of graffiti and saboteurs of Gmo cultivations.

All of this could pose some scruples to some noble democratic consciences, who could remain vexed before the quite totalitarian idea that a State should proceed with the classification of the genes of millions of its citizens and that according to its discretion would sift through its database on the occasion of each infraction of its penal code, basically turning everyone into potential criminals. To quell their indignanated souls, they propose and expect some limits to Dna screening and to its use, limits which clash both with the security promises of such a procedure and with its own scientific qualities. The punitive efficiency and the dissuasive one of a Dna match are in fact both inherent to an initial prerequisite: the Dna has to already be present in the archive. It is in fact completely useless to posses the Dna of a homicidal rapist if there is no Dna with which to match it. The more Dna samples are collected, the more likely it is to find the perpetrator (punitive efficiency). The more Dna samples are stored the more probability of crimes diminishing (dissuasive efficiency). To genetically profile an entire population would therefore be an ideal perspective from a securitarian point of view, because it would at the same time guarantee the highest preventive measures and the highest level of repression. Remember, the State knows you, knows everything about you, and therefore…don’t be afraid, and just don’t do bad things. Why would this ever arise ethical doubts for those who accept securitarian logics? Because those who invoke security cameras everywhere and have nothing against phone tapping, nor against the taking of fingerprints, why would they worry about an eventual genetic screening? If Dna doesn’t lie as scientists swear, if its test is a scientific procedure that works what can then be the problem? There is no problem, in fact it seems that the first ones who ever supported the necessity of profiling all citizens were some arab countries, whose governments notoriously take to heart the triumph of truth and justice. Or maybe, perhaps, some small problem in this whole affair is still lingering. In fact the father of the genetic print on one hand proposed the profiling of the entire population, on the other hand was keen on pointing out that the data should not be preserved by the State, but rather by a “neutral” institution.

Ridiculous scruples. It is not at all difficult to understand where the problem lies, nor its dimensions. Let’s even leave behind for now the technical disputes over Dna samples, on how long it should actually be in order to be reliable or about how long it should be stored in order to preserve the “right to privacy”. And forget the hypothetical future scenarios, such as: what would happen if this data fell into the wrong hands…? This is not the point. This data is already falling into the hands of someone, who is collecting them. And why? To protect us from sex maniacs and blood thirsty killers? That Dna doesn’t lie is already not a certainty. But the State that uses it, certainly does lie! In the end, it is not even necessary to rig the answer, when it is possible to rig the question.

But let’s even start from the answer, the one of Dna. Lawyers and scientist agree on presenting it as if it were a supreme proof, indisputable. Because deoxyribonucleic acid is a macromolecule present in the cells of all living organisms, responsible for the transmission and the expression of hereditary traits, as they say, unique, different from individual to individual, the Dna of a spit will automatically spit out the Truth.

Now, even though the media always talk generically about Dna evidence, it is necessary to know that there exist two types: the nuclear one and the mitochondrial one. Nuclear Dna derives half from the father and half from the mother, it is the more precise and discriminating one, it is present in “live cells”, such as saliva, blood, sperm, hair follicles. However, it has a defect: as soon as it detaches itself from the body, it deteriorates quite easily. Often by the time it arrives to the laboratory it is no longer usable. The mitochondrial Dna, instead is transmitted through the lineage of the mother, and it is quite less precise (it can be shared by people that don’t belong to the same family as it can vary between family members) and it can be found also in “dead cells”, such as skin flakes. This is why it lasts longer.

From a trace of Dna, from a tiny piece of the human body, a “profile” is obtained, in other words a series of data which correspond to a part of the Dna of the individual. It is not the entire Dna sequence, but only a part of it, the one chosen by the experts. The Dna profile is therefore obtained by the analysis of some of the points of the entire Dna sequence. Once this profile is obtained, the authorities search for some correspondences, similarities among those present in their archives. Then, following their procedure, the result can never be the absolute truth, but only an approximation based on a probability calculation. This is not the same thing. Already it is an hypothesis that the Dna of 7 billion people is different in each individual (have all of them been examined and compared?); then taking into consideration that only a small part is actually analyzed (found where? how long? and after how much time? these parametres vary from country to country, from epoch to epoch); then subjected to other possible external contaminations, how can it be affirmed that the answer is peremptorily precise?

The most recent case, and for us the closest and best known, is the one about the murder of a 13 year old girl near Bergamo, which took place in 2010. In order to find the culprit, the Dna of 18.000 people was taken, basically all the inhabitants of the region (which offered themselves voluntarily). The presumed perpetrator was arrested precisely based on a Dna match. His Dna wsa found on the underwear of the young girl. But, wait, there was found no trace of his mitochondrial Dna! This fact was deemed inexplicable by the same experts. Could this be the reason why the prosecutors fabricated a video which showed the defendant’s van on the scene of the kidnapping of the girl? Would this be the incontestable, indisputable truth for which more than 3 million Euros were spent?

Several similar cases have occurred. In England in 2000 a man struck by Parkinson’s disease was arrested for a robbery committed 300 km away. Having already been arrested for a quarrel with his daughter, the police had taken his Dna, which matched the one found on the crime scene. The lawyer demanded that a longer strand of Dna be examined, and the result turned out negative. In France in 2004 the husband of a woman murdered two years before was arrested, because on the body they had found a hair whose mitochondrial Dna matched the one of the man. After different months of pre-arrest and of probation, the man was released when the comparison with the archive of genetic profiles gave an unexpected result: his Dna sample matched also an other profile, the one of a convict who had deceased some time earlier.

It is therefore not a chance that some prefer to talk about “compatibility” of Dna. The profiles don’t correspond, they can at most be considered “compatible”. What does this mean? That the supreme incriminating evidence, which should demonstrate the (penal) responsibility of a human being, enough to warrant a sentence and a subsequent reclusion, is that a part of the Dna of the defendant is apparently compatible with a part of the Dna found on the crime scene, and therefore probably attributable to the culprit. Factual truth or rather rough hypothesis?

To this can be mentioned the problem of human errors and contaminations, both during the course of the crime scene forensic sampling and during the analysis. Switching of labels, of test tubes, mixing up of organic tissues. The same Alec Jeffreys admits that the widening of a genetic archive, as much as he deems it essential, will certainly increase the numbers of mistakes: “created and maintained by human beings, it will undoubtedly have mistakes, it’s mathematical”. In fact in the United States in 2002 a man was condemned to 12 years of prison for a rape and he was released after four and a half years of detention. It turned out that the Dna discovered by the police belonged to two different people, excluding the fact that he could have been involved. It ended up being a mistake committed in the forensic laboratory, which was subsequently shut down because of its unreliability. The prosecution then opened an investigation in order to verify the accuracy of 25 sentences, 7 of which capital punishments. Even more hilarious is the story of the “woman without a face”, considered by the media “the worst serial killer that Europe has ever known”, who apparently committed her first murder in 1993 in Germany. Over the course of the years her Dna had been found on the crime scene of different murders and robberies, around twenty in total, spread out over half of Europe (Germany, France, Austria). Unpredictable, elusive, nobody had ever seen her, but she seemed to leave her genetic print everywhere. Against her unleashed a mighty woman-hunt: thousands of witness statements, intense interrogations against her presumed accomplices, 12 million Euros spent over the course of the investigations and a price on her head of 100.000 Euros. Thousands of Dna samples were taken from women in the south of Germany, France, Belgium, and even Italy. Finally in 2009, the “woman without a face” was identified, nailed for her role in this whole story. The irrefutable truth came out: the Dna was of a worker for the company who provided to many of the european police services the swabs used to take the genetic samples from the crime scenes!

As we have seen, the answer that Dna gives is not exactly synonym with truth. But there’s more: it is the question itself which is false. Because even if the Dna evidence were to be authentic, even though the entire sequence of the Dna of a person were to be analyzed and would perfectly match the complete sequence found on a crime scene, what would this prove? Nothing, it would still not be a proof of guilt. The Dna found on a bottle thrown against a line of cops during a manifestation does not necessarily mean that it belongs to the individual who threw it. It could be the Dna of somebody who packaged it, or who sold it, or who bought it, or who opened it, or who drank it, or who passed it on, or who threw it away… The Dna found on the scene of a crime does not necessarily correspond to the one of the culprit, it could very well be the one of someone else. Furthermore, the presence of Dna does not even demonstrate the actual presence on the crime scene of the person considered a match. Each human being, on a daily basis loses hair from all parts of their body, talks and spits, eats and drinks, pisses and shits, can also scratch, bleed or smoke. He leaves traces of his Dna in all kinds of places, on many objects, on countless people. Leaves traces and picks others up, also moving them elsewhere. Shoes, for example, how many traces of Dna could they pick up and transport? Therefore, to claim the guilt of someone based on the fact that their Dna was found on the scene of a crime is absurd.

There was a time in which the same men of law would insist that a snitch could not even enter a court room. His word could not constitute an element of proof, it could only provide the investigators a path which still needed to be demonstrated. If his indiscretions could be upheld by concrete evidence, these were the elements that could be admitted. His word in itself, would not count for anything. From this point of view the discovery of Dna on a crime scene, even though it would be the matching one of the suspect, would be even less reliable. The snitch says who he thinks is (in his opinion, interest, memory and knowledge) the responsible one for a crime. Dna says who is (perhaps, probably, and in some cases certainly) the responsible for a crime.

But since justice is blind, to be able to see, it tends to trust in others. In human beings, for example, even when they are as disgusting as snitches. In fact today the word of two “collaborators” is enough to condemn someone. Let alone then if justice would not trust even more and more willingly in the microscope of science, who since always has the bad habit of presenting its hypotheses as irreproachable truths. “It’s true, it’s scientifically proven, science says so.” Instead history shows again and again that a scientific hypothesis, presented as absolute truth in a certain era, could be considered false some time later. Scientific discoveries are presented as certainties, but rarely are. In fact, each scientific theory is based on a representation which is determined by an ideology. Biological sciences interpret living organisms as if they were a machine that responds to the command of a program composed by genes. This approach, which reduces and compares the human being to a computer, is not at all the result of observations. On the contrary, it is what determines them. It is not the observation of life to suggest the existence of a program, it is the mechanistic vision which ensures that life be observed in this particular way. Scientists begin from an a priori, and then go searching for the confirmation of their thesis (“man is a machine, let’s look for its gears!”).

In the current world, science is considered a synonym of truth. This pushes almost anyone to use apparently scientific arguments to give himself legitimacy. What is true is what those qualified say, what the experts say. Everyone follows this logic, from the cops to the prosecutors, from militants to activists, without even having to mention normal people. The expert, is someone who knows. His opinion is “objective”, it melts away all doubts. An expert is a pusher of truth.

The State, who loves to pass itself off as a guarantor of the common good where in fact it serves only the interest of the few, administrates a Justice which it claims being the same for the usual everyone but that is made by laws written and applied by the usual few. The State, like its Justice, are obviously biased, but have a desperate need to appear neutral, objective, above all parties. This is why they use science. When Lambroso would measure the cranium to identify thieves and assassins, when Hitler measure noses to discover Jews, what were they doing so differently than who today consults biology to make Justice triumph? Today Dna evidence represents the magical answer to the anguish of the judicial mistake, the only nightmare that can occasionally keep awake the butchers in black coats and wigs. And once immersed in the test tubes of the laboratory, Justice can finally appear perfect, as precise as a computer.

Except that there are many experts and that most of the time they have contradicting opinions. This is because science cannot assert absolute truths, it can only offer hypotheses. We are thus before the following paradox: no “scientific truth” can be considered a certainty, however today everything that a society wants to deem a certainty cannot avoid using scientific arguments. What instead is certain, indisputable, terrifying, is unfortunately something else. The governments of many countries are screening millions of people, using arguments which pre-announce a total screening and profiling.

Those who hold power, political or even just economic, will have access to the most intimate data of each one of us and will be able to do with it anything they want. It is not necessary to venture off into science-fiction scenarios, it is enough to look at what has already happened only yesterday to sense what is going to come tomorrow. Someone remembers the molotov cocktails “found” in the courtyard of the Diaz school in Genova in July 2001, just after the slaughter perpetrated by the police? There you have it, from now on to eliminate the undesirable, the authorities will no longer even have to construct special investigations, instruct false informers, fabricate false evidence. No, it will be enough to let something as imperceptible as a drop of saliva, a hair, a cigarette butt – belonging to those to eliminate – be found on the next crime scene.

Within this world, of this social order, human beings drag on a dull existence, voided of beauty and passion, immersed in anguish and desperation, in a daily search for crumbs of survival. The ill of living provokes everywhere conflicts, acts of violence. The State intervenes to limit the effects for which it is the main cause. It presumes to impose punishments decreed by laws created to protect itself. And to identify the authours of these acts of violence it relies on the hypotheses of science, which are pushed as truths. The circle is closed in the coherence of abjection. A vile State applies a blind justice through a manipulable and manipulative science; all of this presented as an example of virtue.

There you have it, the world in a spit.


German prisons: Anonymous letter from inside

The individual who wrote this has been in prison for over 4 months now and is currently being held in “Untersuchungshaft” in Germany. Here are a few words that reached us from the dungeons.

With midnight always in one’s heart,
And twilight in one’s cell,
We turn the crank, or tear the rope,
Each in his separate Hell,
And the silence is more awful far
Than the sound of a brazen bell.

After having been arrested and taken to prison in a small border town somewhere in South-Eastern Europe, and having had the “pleasure” of spending three weeks in its state-hotels, I now find myself in the claws of the German state. At the moment of writing I still do not know when I will be free again; no “official” accusation has been sent, no court date has been set. In theory, “U-haft” can take up to six months- depending on the wishes and whims of prosecutors and judges however this period can be extended. So far I have not been wrecking my head over it too much. The insecurity of not knowing what will happen next, or when, is one of the more difficult things in this situation, but I refuse to torture myself with questions that for now remain unanswerable. Whatever is to come, I will face it with my head held high.

The circumstances under which I am held here I suppose could be pronounced “harsh” (no phone calls, all communication with the outside world subjected to voyeuristic interference- the prosecutor reading all letters to and fro, visits always in the presence of a screw and overzealous criminal police) but then again, I would not expect any different from those I consider my enemies. For that they are, and among them the friendlier faces of oppression: the priests, the therapists, the social workers, … (someone once rightly remarked how only two kinds of people enter prison: those who can leave again voluntarily, and those who cannot.) And when the incessant imposed control, discipline, and “re-socialisation” fail to succeed, self-flagellation is never far. No need for pacification or control when all possible critique is transformed into a mea culpa, when the prevailing idea among those locked up is that one is in prison because one did something “wrong”, is “guilty” of something and now has to pay the price for it.

I do not want to enter a discourse that speaks in terms of innocence and guilt, for the juxtaposition at stake is not between these two “categories” formulated in the language of domination, the language of law; a language absolutely antagonistic to my own. It is, simplistic put, between those who desire freedom and those who steal it from them. And this has little to do with the double row of bars blocking my window, with the triple layer of walls and gates surrounding this place. As one of the philosophical cadavers of the university has written in a not too distant history, “prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsewhere, which the whole of society pursues on each individual through innumerable mechanisms of discipline”. This work however simultaneously continues inside and outside of prison; prison is not “external” to society, it is simply another one of the many expressions of domination.

And in this pan-optical world every act of rebellion, whether it is robbing a bank or stealing a loaf of bread, is a negation of the omnipresent control imposed upon us, a deafening or barely audible No in the face of domination. Expropriation is merely one of the means in the vast array of those available to take back what is stolen from us on a daily basis – our self-determination, the freedom and possibility to construct our lives according to our own wishes and desires. With every act of rebellion we reappropiate our lives and dignity, with every act of rebellion we simultaneously negate the existing relations of power and oppression and affirm the ability to decide over our own existence. And although my existence is temporarily on hold – for this is not life – my heart beats far beyond these walls.

Love and solidarity to those in struggle everywhere,
 be it a deafening or a barely audible one.

november 2015