Solidariteitsdemonstratie in Amsterdam met gearresteerde kameraad beschuldigd van bankonteigening

Er werd een demonstratie gelopen van het centrum van Amsterdam naar het hoofdbureau van de politie waar onze kameraad vastzit. Daar aangekomen werd er ruim een kwartier lawaai gemaakt en zwaarvuurwerk afgestoken. Dat dit niet de laatste solidariteitsactie is met onze gevangen kameraad staat vast. We roepen dan ook iedereen op om op elke mogelijke manier solidariteit te uiten met de gevangenkameraad. Wij zijn woedend!



Al eerder zat onze kameraad 5 maanden in voorarrest maar werd vrijgelaten, zonder aanklacht of voorwaarden omtrent haar vrijlating. De teleurgestelde aanklager ging in beroep en kreeg haar zin: er zal een rechtszaak plaatsvinden (de datum is nog niet bekend). Gister is ze dus wederom gearresteerd. In april 2016 werd er een kameraad in Barcelona gearresteerd op bevel van hetzelfde OM, met vergelijkbare aanklachten: een onteigening die in 2014 plaatshad. Zij is inmiddels uitgeleverd aan Duitsland.

We zijn niet geïnteresseerd in of de kameraad daadwerkelijk verantwoordelijk is voor de bankovervallen of niet. Onteigening is een ethisch juist en een politiek legitiem middel, een methode van strijd, dat onderdeel is van de geschiedenis van alle revolutionaire bewegingen.

Er zijn geen wettelijke parameters of strategische begrenzingen voor anarchisten om hun solidariteit te uiten met kameraden die geconfronteerd worden met repressie. Dit zijn niet de maatregelen of principes waar we warm van worden. In plaats daarvan is solidariteit een integraal deel van onze strijd, een antwoord op de noodzaak onze vrienden en affiniteiten die te maken met hebben met staatsrepressie te steunen, omdat we onszelf herkennen in hun ideeën en praktijken.

Amsterdam: solidariteit met de anarchisten beschuldigd van bankoverval

Gisteren, op zaterdag 2 juli hebben wij een klein gebaar van solidariteit geuit met onze kameraden die beschuldigd worden van bankoverval door het OM van Aachen, Duitsland.

Er werden twee spandoeken opgehangen aan weerskanten van de brug in het Vondelpark, ter hoogte van de Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat.

Nadat de spandoeken opgehangen waren werden er flyers door de lucht gegooid met boodschappen als: “vernietig alle gevangenissen en de wereld die ze nodig heeft, totdat allen vrij zijn” etc.

Op de achterzijde van de flyers is het het adres te zien van de website die in detail op de zaak en de solidariteit eromheen ingaat.

Onze kameraden zullen de repressie niet alleen tegemoet gaan!
Voor de verspreiding van actieve solidariteit!

(Amsterdam) Solidarität mit den eines Banküberfalls beschuldigten Anarchisten

Gestern, Samstag 2. Juli, haben wir ein kleines Zeichen der Solidarität gesetzt für unsere Kameraden, die von der Staatsanwaltschaft von Aachen (Deutschland) für einen Banküberfall beschuldigt werden.

Es wurden zwei Transparente an den Seiten der Brücke im Vondelpark, auf der Höhe der Eerste Constantijn Huygenstraat, aufgehängt.

Nachdem die Transparente aufgehängt waren, wurden außerdem Flugblätter mit Botschaften wie: „Zerstört alle Gefängnisse und die Welt, die diese braucht, bis wir alle frei sind“, etc. in die Luft geworfen.

Auf der Rückseite der Flugblätter befand sich die Adresse der Webseite, auf der über den Fall und der Solidarität dazu informiert wird.

Unsere Kameraden werden der Repression nicht alleine gegenüber stehen!

Für die Ausbreitung der aktiven Solidarität!

Amsterdam: solidarity with the accused anarchists

Yesterday, on saturday 2nd of July, we made a small gesture of solidarity for our comrades facing the accusation of bank robbery by the court Aachen Germany.

Two banners were hung on the bridge of the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, at the height of Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat. After dropping the banners we through flyers in the air, with messages like: “Destroy all prisons and the world that needs them, Until we all are free” etc.

On the back of the flyer there is the address for the website that talks in detail about the case and about the solidarity around it.

Our comrades will not face repression alone!
For the spreading of active solidarity!

[Spain] The extradition process has begun!


Yesterday the 29th of June, around five p.m, guards of the penitentiary centre Soto del Real visited the cell of the comrade arrested on the 13th of April to inform her of her immediate transfer and to make her pack her things.

This means that the extradition process – normally carried out under a heavy silence toward the outside, without the possibility of warning the person who will be transferred – has already begun, or will begin very late today. This finally puts into effect the European order of arrest and extradition that was sent out from Germany in the beginning of April against our comrade, who is accused of having participated in the expropriation of a department of the Pax Bank in the city of Aachen in 2014.

We know that the comrade will take with her not only the determination and conviction of her political and revolutionary principles, but also all the expressions of solidarity and support that you have showed during this time, reminding her that she is not nor will be alone before a State that persecutes and attacks everyone who rebels against its order of misery.

We want to call out to take to the streets our support of her and all the fighters facing reprisals and remind you that in response to the extradition there will be a manifestation in Manresa tomorrow the first of July at 8 p.m at Plaça Sant Domènec.

We will keep you posted.




[translated from catalan]

Solidarity actions in The Hague with comrade imprisoned in Spain on charges of expropriation

Last night we carried out actions in solidarity with our comrade who is imprisoned in total isolation in Spain on charges of participation in an expropriation in a bank in Aachen, Germany, two years ago. She is now awaiting extradition to Germany which will probably happen this week.

In solidarity we spray painted the texts ‘freedom for our Spanish comrade’ on a department of the Spanish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands and glued the locks. In the morning during rush hour a banner was hung above the highway with the text: ‘Burn all prisons! Freedom for our Spanish comrade!’

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’, motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarchist-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the the 70s and 80s.

We call out to anybody to make action in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in Madrid! Immediate freedom for the comrade!

Burn all prisons!
In solidarity,

some anarchists

Manifestation at Soto del Real prison [Madrid]

Chronicle of the manifestation at the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid), where the comrade arrested on the 13th of April is imprisoned.

Last weekend a group of comrades travelled to the Soto del Real prison in Madrid in order to break the isolation they want to impose on the anarchist that was arrested on the 13th of April, and to show the prison institution that neither she nor any imprisoned fighter is alone in front of the State. The manifestation, although we were not many, was a success; the comrade has told us she could hear the voice and noise of the people, effacing for a moment the silence they went to impose on her surroundings. A brief chronicle of the manifestation:

This Saturday, the 25th of June, some thirty people held a manifestation in front of the Soto del Real prison (Madrid) to show their rejection of imprisonment and of the extradition of the comrade arrested on the 13th of April, accused of the expropriation of a bank in Germany.

They shouted in solidarity with the prisoners and against penitentiary centres, they read a text in solidarity with the comrade and another in which the situation of imprisoned women was explained. At the same time, they lit fireworks, necessary to transgress the walls with noise and thus breaking the imposed distance between those inside and those outside.

During the manifestation some cops of the Guardia Civil appeared who asked for identification of the people present, which they refused. Despite this, the act ended with a repressive strike; the agents of authority stopped every car that headed for the exit, registering the cars and forcing identification.

Let’s not forget that this Thursday 30th of June the comrade will definitely be extradited and put at the disposition of the German authorities. All this, after having received numerous abuses by the direction of the penitentiary centre of Soto del Real, such as denying her the possibility of maintaining vis-a-vis communication with her partner on the day of her wedding or the prohibition concerning telephone contact with her and another person.

Let’s extend the solidary and rebellious expressions.


[translated from catalan]


LAST MINUTE: The Audiencia Nacional has ordened the extradition of the comrade arrested on the 13th of April! Call out for MANIFESTATION!

The sadly famous – because reactionary –judge Ángela Murillo has ordened the extradition to Germany of the comrade imprisoned on the 13th of April, accused of having participated in the expropriation of a bank in the city of Aachen. The extradition could take place any moment within the next 10 days.

As you already know, the comrade was arrested last April during a policial macro-operation in which the social centre Los Blokes Fantasma and two other houses were raided and searched, because of an international order that was sent from Germany. The prosecution office of the city of Aachen ascribes to her the material authorship of a robbery that took place two years ago, of a bank that is connected to the catholic church, where a notable sum of money was taken without causing any personal harm. The prosecution office investigated this action within a supposed series of similar expropriations that happened the year before in this city. Within this investigation an anarchist comrade from Amsterdam has also been imprisoned, who is currently outside awaiting her courtcase after having spent several months in preventive arrest.

Despite having sent a call out for a manifestation on the day following the announcement of the extradition, but because of the struggle for the recuparation of the Expropriated Bank, we have decided to move the mobilisation to the coming week, next Tuesday the 1st of June, at 20h at Placa Diamant. These days of struggle, of resistance, of dignity in front of the brutality with which the police is defending the interests of the speculants, trying to abuse this space that is constructed for the neighbourhood, we feel the imprisoned comrade closer than ever. We know that she would be one more among many defending the Expropriated Bank with every means in the streets of Gracia, where she herself has lived for many years.

We do not know whether the comrade is responsible for the robbery that they ascribe to her, what we do know is that expropriation in the capital of the bank, whether it is in the form of money or buildings, will always be ethically just and politically legitimate. Which is why we send from here a call out to all the fighting people in solidarity of Barcelona and everywhere, to go out into the streets on the coming Tuesday 1st of June, to show that no matter how far they take her, our comrade will never be alone.

Rebellious and international solidarity with the two comrades accused of robbing banks in Germany!

The struggle is the only way!


[Translated from Catalan]

Oproep tot verbreiding van de solidariteit met de gevangen kameraad in Soto del Real in afwachting van uitlevering

Zoals vele van jullie al weten, zou de kameraad die op 13 april opgesloten werd vanwege een beschuldiging van deelname aan de onteigening van een bank in de Duitse stad Aken, in de komende dagen uitgeleverd kunnen worden. In de maand die voorbij is gegaan sinds haar opsluiting zat ze opgesloten onder isolatievoorwaarden in de Soto del Real gevangenis in Madrid, maar momenteel zijn er indicaties dat ze ieder moment aan de Duitse autoriteiten overhandigd zou kunnen worden.

Haar uitlevering aan Duitsland betekent dat ze (nog verder) verwijderd wordt van haar omgeving en de mensen die haar liefhebben, evenals dat ze gedwongen opgesloten gaat worden in een gevangenissysteem dat veel gebruik maakt van isolatie, en zo de communicatie van politieke gevangenen (nog) moeilijker maakt, zowel naar buiten toe als met andere gevangenen.

Daarom roepen we op tot mobilisatie en strijd, een oproep om deze samenwerkingsmanoeuvre tussen de Europese Staten tegen een strijdende kameraad niet voorbij te laten gaan zonder antwoord, die laat zien dat ze aanval tegen haar ook een aanval tegen ons allemaal is, tegen iedereen die vecht tegen het kapitalistische systeem en de ellende die ze oplegt met haar logica.

Vanuit Barcelona hebben we opgeroepen tot een manifestatie op de dag na de aankondiging van haar uitlevering, en jullie zouden ons heel vrolijk maken door OP TE ROEPEN VOOR JE EIGEN MOBILISATIES EN ACTIES VAN ELKE SOORT IN JULLIE EIGEN DORPEN EN STEDEN, op dezelfde dag als de manifestatie in Barcelona.

We willen haar in vrijheid, we willen haar dichtbij!
 Vrijheid voor vechtende en vervolgde gevangenen!
 Niet eén kameraad alleen in de handen van de Staten!

– – – – –

CALL OUT for extending the solidarity with the imprisoned comrade in Soto del Real, facing extradition

Call out for extending the solidarity with the imprisoned comrade in Soto del Real, facing extradition

As many of you already know, the comrade who was imprisoned on the 13th of April, accused of having participated in the expropriation of a bank in the German city of Aachen could be extradited in the coming days. In the month that has passed since her imprisonment she has been locked up under isolation conditions in the Soto del Real prison in Madrid, but right now there are indications she could be handed over to the German authorities any moment.

Her extradition to Germany will imply creating a (even greater) distance between her and her loved ones, as well as forcing her into a penitentiary system that uses isolation extensively, making the communication of political prisoners (even more) difficult, toward the outside as well as with other prisoners.

Because of this we call out for mobilisation and struggle, a call out to not let this manoeuvre of collaboration between the European States against a fighting comrade happen without a response, showing that the attacks against her are also attacks against all of us that fight against the capitalist system and the misery it imposes with its logic.

From Barcelona we have called out for a manifestation on the day following the announcement of her extradition, and you would make us very happy by CALLING OUT FOR YOUR OWN MOBILISATIONS AND ACTIONS OF EVERY KIND IN YOUR VILLAGES AND CITIES, on the same day of the manifestation in Barcelona.

We want her free, we want her close!

Freedom for fighting and persecuted prisoners!

Not one comrade alone in the hands of the States!